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Empowering Women & Girls with Treatment and Recovery from Addiction

Rachel Carter

Rachel suffered with the strongholds of addiction for 20+ years.  She was an athlete and received a scholarship to play basketball and softball at Newberry College where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education, with a teacher certification. She lost her first teaching job because of her drug abuse and  moved to California where she continued to spiral downward. She came back to SC and went to a women's conference where Narvis Hart, our founder, prayed for her and invited her to come to her former facility "Heart of Hannah" to get help.  After 11 months in the program, she was free and has been since! 2022 will be a celebration of 8 years of sobriety and freedom! 

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“Do not call to mind the former things, Or consider things of the past.  Behold, I am going to do something new, Now it will spring up; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."

Isaiah 43:18-19

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Empower Our
Women And Girls

Edith's House of Recovery

We are a 12-step, in-house, six month recovery program for women who have a drug and/or alcohol problem! We accept women ages 18 years and up!

Edith’s House of Recovery is located at 1715 N Pleasantburg Dr Greenville SC  29609


Phone: 864-313-0440

Registered Charity: 88-3062824

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